I am front end developer and UX/UI enthusiast that is currently looking for opportunities to collaborate with other partners and businesses to create cool innovative web solutions.

Front End Development

I'm continuously growing my skills in front end development to build the best sites possible. I am on a journey learning new concepts one step at a time. Front End can be frustrating, it can be difficult, but delivering an the an amazing functional website that fulfills the needs of the user makes it all worth.

  • HTML5
  • Typescript
  • React
  • React Native
  • Next JS
  • Git
  • Stencil JS Web Components
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Three JS

Immersive web design experiences

I am deeply passionate about creating immersive web experiences on the web. Currently, I am dedicated to mastering the following tools to achieve this goal:

  • Figma
  • Blender
  • Spline
  • Adobe Illustrator