
About Project
Geomusic is an application that allows you create music playlist place it on a geographical location. I built this small side project as a tech portfolio piece to showcase my skills as a software engineer.
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Same Start

About Project
Same Start was an edtech project that I co-founded and developed with my business partner. We worked on this project in our spare time outside our regular do jobs. Same Start aimed to bridge the education language gap and give every learner the same start by providing interactive and gamified translated education content with corresponding quizzes.
Role in Project
I designed all the UI and coded all the front end processes for Same Start as well as the Wordpress backend api endpoints
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About Project
This is a hobby project of mine which I have been working on in my spare time (giving me the opportunity to learn new things). CityVibe which attempts to measure the occupancy of how full a pub, club or night club is in that specific hour coupled with realtime chat and rating.
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