Object Types (Blueprints) (Classes):
This are some occasions where you will need to create “blueprint” for several objects that hold the same “type”. In order to achieve this we can use an object constructor function. This can be seen Example 1
function Soldier(name, type, weapon, healthPoints, attackPoints) {
this.name = name; this.type = type; this.weapon = weapon; this.healthPoints = healthPoints; this.attackPoints = attackPoints;}
let huntress = new Soldier("Glynda", "huntress", "Rapier", "100HP", "400ATTK");
let assasin = new Soldier("Creed", "assasin", "Dagger", "80HP", "600ATTK");
//Adding a method to the Soldier constructor
huntress.changingNameSpell = name => {
this.name = name; console.log(`My name is now ${this.name}`);};
//Adding a property to the assassin constructor
assasin.color = "maroon"
However, it is not possible to add property
or method
to an object constructor
. In this case that would be the Soldier
constructor function.
Prototype Inheritance:
Prototypes are a nice inheritance model. All javascript objects inherit properties and methods from a prototype. Date objects inherit from Date.prototype. Array objects inherit from Array.prototype. Our Soldier
objects inherit the Soldier.prototype
There are some cases where we may want to add properties or methods to created objects of a certain type or an object constructor.
This can be achieved using prototypes
. Lets take a look at Example 2
. In example 2, we are going to add a property to the Soldier
Example 2: Adding a property to the Soldier constructor:
function Soldier(name, type, weapon, healthPoints, attackPoints) {
this.name = name; this.type = type; this.weapon = weapon; this.healthPoints = healthPoints; this.attackPoints = attackPoints;}
//Adding a race prop to the Soldier constructor
Soldier.prototype.race = 'Asgardian';
In this example we added the race
properties to the Object constructor.
Hope this give you some kind of entry level understanding into prototypes. There is ALOT more to delve in with regards to this topic which I am still trying to wrap my head around… Buuut baby steps